Wednesday 12 September 2007

Black Man BEWARE!!!

UHHH OHHH - Baltimore might finally be on to something here. Just think about it, who knows a blackman better than a blackwoman? Lets face it, the blackman is driving black on black crime through the roof, the blackman is driving the murder rate out of control, the blackman isnt putting said "foot" in blackboys said "behind" when they mess up in school. If Mayor Dixon is anything like my mother or the mothers of most of my friends then B-More will be in shape in no-time. It has been my experience that the people who know how to push the buttons that get me back on point the most are my mother, my mother and my mother.

Who better than this crew to whip this African American city into shape. They can be compassionate as well as no nonsence. As far as all the Nelly Naysayers out there...Blackwomen have been dealing with you for generations.

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