Wednesday, 27 February 2008

She Like me, she tolerate me, she hate me?

So I was chatting it up with the crew the other day, you know kicking the Willie bobo's, after we decided that if Majic Johnson had to play Air Jordan right now that Majic would win that game and a supersonic hydo-boosted skateboard with nitros would beat a pair of rollerskates equipped with jets for each skate plus a big fan strapped to your back , we got on the subject of females. If you like a chick more than she likes you then its curtains and vice versa. For us dudes when you like that chick you will do it all, thats what I call the loveydovey stage. Everybody is perfect in that stage, corny jokes are funny as hell, when you have to wait like 6 hours for her to be ready it wasnt no big deal, when she ordered some shit that cost twice what you ordered it wasnt a thang. As soon as that stage is over is when you can tell if its gonna work. Jokes arent as funny, your patience ass aint so paitience, your pockets just got alittle tighter. If youll can make it through that stage then its on and poppin. We also decided that if your girl comes home late at night and her socks are pulled all the way up she was cheating, this means she just pulled then up when she was getting dressed like 15 minutes ago.

P.S. The Incredible Hulk is faster then the Bionic Man but they have to race on a smooth surface because the Hulk dosent have shoes!

EPMD was better than TRIBE

We would rather have a ugly girl than a pretty monster

Sunday, 10 February 2008

Wal Mart is crack

I think I hate everything Wal-Mart stands for or maybe im just venting. When your opening statement to me is "I dont work in this department plus Im on break." then I peep your name tag and it says ALEXUS and then I ask you if you could maybe possibly find it in your kind heart to please, no wait, pretty please with fresh new pair of doorknocker earrings with a matching gold tooth to match, point me in the right direction before you finish texting because I know you hate your job and you hate dealing with people but for some unknown reason you took a job as a customer service rep at a place where people might probably need some help and god forbid they ask you because right under ALEXUS it does say ASK ME FOR HELP I mean what the hell was I thinking?