Wednesday, 26 March 2008

Your actions effect others..... IDIOTS

Zack Sowers ARTICLE

This is a sad state of affairs. I am guilty of not really caring unless the tragedy hits close to home and believe me in the past couple of years, Tragedy has had a room at my house. This is no different because I’ve been that dude walking home slightly tipsy from Fells or Canton all by my lonesome through Patterson Park. I don’t feel bad for Zack because he’s not here anymore, I feel terrible for all the people he left behind. I feel so bad for his wife and family and friends, then I start to think what if something like that happened to me, how my mother would take it, man I don’t even want to think about it. What influence would that have on my son? What about all my friends, my sisters? I know for a fact that most people aren’t nearly as sensitive as I am but my heart feels so bad for them. I didn’t cry when Dukie fell off but I was very upset.(shut up Ginneh, Nikki and Dany) I know these dudes were black or Spanish or whatever and by know I usually have my guns loaded and I’m ready to hit the Jesse/Rev Al warpath but this time I don’t even have the energy. Regardless of what color anybody was I feel terrible for the people left behind. Maybe if you’re reading this and you’re feeling like doing whatever, please think about the effect your actions will have on others.

Tuesday, 25 March 2008

Tuskegee Is The Pride Of The Swift Growing South

I know I know its been a minute. I just got put on to this Web-site for my School. its more like a myspace but only for Tuskegee University. My home-girl Tammy put me on and its like being back at school all over again. You dont realize how much your college friends really mean to you. Its been about 12 years since I finished and most of my friends on this page are all grown up and married/divorced with kids and jobs and responsibilities and its crazy. I remember when getting the lemons for tequila Friday was the order of the day. Its great to see all my friends doing well and enjoying life it seems. I havent been to homecoming since I left but 08 seems like it might be the year!

Tuesday, 4 March 2008

I thought I figured it out

You have to clean out your closet once a week. You need to re-evaluate your priorties once a month..or as needed. Everybody on this earth isnt as smart as you. People arent assholes on purpose. Peolpe who hate all the time are miserable. People who dont listen are losers. Beer is good. Obama is the BOMB! White people have it better. Poor white trash have it worse. A good sweat is cleansing. Grand Theft Auto is fun. WII bowling is more fun. Please speak correctly around the kids. Everybody isnt gonna think your cool. Some people are gonna hate your guts. Try to maintain a good average between the two. Stop trying to impress people unless you have a boat. Youtube the Dave Chapelle episode "playahaters awards". Goodevening!