Tuesday, 5 August 2008


One of the hardest things Ive had to do (besides stats)is keeping it real. When I say that, people look at me like.. you fake ass, but when you really stop and think about it, maybe you will get my point. If you go to work everyday and smile in your boss' face when you know you cant stand that MOFO are you keeping it real, Nope, your keeping it fake in order to keep your job, but I guess when thats the case its acceptable. When the wifey puts you on blast in front of company but you chill and keep you cool and dont say anything, is that a case of keeping it real...Nope, another case of keeping it fake to keep your relationship in tact. When your in the studio and one member of the crews lyrics suck and you tell him they suck, then that my friends is keeping it real.

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