Monday 6 October 2008

OK - After a long week of BS, this was a great weekend, Aub, A.P. and Abdul came to the city this weekend. We went to the Fells Point Festival and had a ball. We pre-gamed at Rob's house then it was on. The weather was nice and the brew was flowing. Good times were had by all. This got me to thinking why can't people be happy or strive to be happy all the time, I mean If all I do and all you do is try to be happy then why cant it work, I feel like if people put half as much energy into being positive and looking toward the light then life would be much better. OK maybe im tripping but its still wishfull thinking. Peace to my man Abdul for being the voice of reason this weekend and leaving us with great what could have been stories.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Tell me you did not a) hyperlink my name and b) link it to my Facebook page!!??

Had a pretty good time in Bmore, though. Gotta come up more often.