Sunday, 1 May 2011

Lead Paint Diss

Old Dirty Bastard put it best, Wu-Tang is for the kids. I guess our Mayor wasn't an ODB fan. From how I see it, its not the kids fault they got lead paint poisoning, Im not even sure you could do my favorite thing and put all the blame on the parents. The courts even felt that Baltimore City was at fault and awarded people money. The city has money to pay city workers who gamble on the clock, they pay convicted felons who are still in jail, they have money for a Grand Prix race and you cant pay the kids? As much as my water bill is, that is at least paying for three or four families easy not the mention my BG&E bill. Dont they realize that Baltimore is a predominately black city and maybe just maybe some of these kids you are turning your back on are our future leaders. I'm willing to bet there are some future Ben Carson's and Kwesi Mfume's out there. Most of the kids in this situation are already starting out at the bottom of the ninth with two strikes and two outs. I'm not politician but it seems like I would find some way to invest in our children. As my son would say....IJS

1 comment:

J. Michael Vaughn said...

HI, my name is John. I really like your writing but the way I was introduced to it is unfortunate. There is a guy plagiarizing your posts on Bubblews and trying to get paid for it. I have reported him so hopefully his account will be deleted.