Monday, 30 July 2007

Broken Blurbs

The last time I went to a "poetry Slam" , I felt like slamming brother Wisdom Supreme on his neck. Im not a violent dude by any stretch but for some reason these people erk me to no end. Are you really that deep my brother. And yes, I like my hator-aid with alot of sugar.

Monday, 23 July 2007

The last time I checked ,Weed is still illegal right?

Let me start by saying I dont have anything against weed smokers......some of my best friends are weed smokers!! HAHA..but seriously of all the weed smokers I know, just because they think the government is corrupt and or crooked, this gives them a pass to smoke weed anytime and anywhere..when I remind them that weed is definatley illegal, I get looks like Im a snitch about to be put in the "vacants", then I get the excuse that weed is from the earth so how can they make it illegal?,"when I smoke im just chill, I dont bother nobody" and my favorite on of all "the gob'ment just want to control it so they can have all the money" Ill be the first one to say these are probably all valid reasons why it should be legal but the fact still remains........Its illegal. its not illegal like J-walking or littering, its illegal like drunk driving or maybe petty assault.....but who am I, I can drink some brews with the best of them and can tell you ive been in much worse shape at the end of the night them my weed smoking brothers......but my liver gets damaged legally.........

Wednesday, 18 July 2007

AWWW man I gotta actually do some work!!!!!

I was desperate for a job and I went on the interview and I looked them in the eye and promised that I would work hard and dedicate the full eight hours. I assured them that they would be making a mistake if they didnt hire me. I had the charm turned up to 100 and told them I would be a very valuable asset to the they expect me to work???? WTF! I havent been able to devote the attention I need to to my Blog, . But no worries, ill be back with a vengence........

Wednesday, 11 July 2007

Montreal "EH"

Platnium Status (Thanks RodStar), Drinks that flowed like the river Nile (Thanks ST3). I would also like to thank(the shady guy) who let us borrow his backpack, the (concierge) dude who at least tried and last but never Super Contact!!
Now that I got the shout outs done, Montreal is the cleanest, no crime havinest, people friendliest place Ive ever been. The Parade was great, the music was good and the food was cool. OK work calls so more to come.....

Thursday, 5 July 2007

Are they Friggin serious?

I dont even know where to begin........
Shunned from society, widows flock to city to die -*

Monday, 2 July 2007

Scooter Silently Skates....Surprised?

Today is a good day for my boy Scooter - He didnt tell on his boys and if I have to take on for the team, im glad the president is on it!

Thats how us Scooters roll!! We have friends in high pun intended
Bush commutes Libby's prison sentence -*

Big Pimpin

Why is it that my boss always comes around when im on the phone with misc non-work he's trying to play it off like he's not trying to play it off like im not in the climax of a story and obviously this goes on worldwide because whoever im talking to immedialey notices the change in tone/pitch/and or general excitement in my voice..I go form Kunta Kinte to Toby in a nanosec....I need to be my own boss so I can come out of my cave and hover around the lower etchelon of society and crack corny jokes and have all my underlings laughing histerically. I always said I would be the coolest boss but then again I always said I would be the coolest dad , but im sure the little one would beg to differ......2 more hours pickin corporate cotton and staying out of massa's way then im going home to eat some chittlings (baked chicken) and some hamhocks(brown rice) and water( cold beer) Peace to all my field NEGRO's especially the ones with childhood nicknames.....

Chitlin Circut

So its friday night and its a non - pay week and im in money conservation mode but at the same time I still want to go out.To be a truly effective party-goer on the chitlin circut one must act the part! Basketball is done and football hasnt started. Barry's not playing tonight and the streets are calling. Option numero uno is to go into the bat closet and pull out some spectacular get-up thats sure to shut the game down but as Peter Parker the Spectacular said " With great power comes great responsibility!"To be a truly effective party-goer on the chitlin circut one must act the part! Option numero dos is to keep the khaki shorts, T-Shirt and flip-flops on and and head to Canton for cheap drinks. The only problem with numero uno is that Ill promise myself im only going to take x amounts of loot out of the atm and swear "foe" GOD that Ill make due with some random predetermined amount which is sort of like a self imposed punishment for even allowing myself to delve into such pleasures. I justify this by saying to self" I need to be with my black people doing big things and enjoying observing and also being observed." To be a truly effective party-goer on the chitlin circut one must act the part! Once the drinks start flowing and the observer gets more confident and the swag gets "mo swaggier"...its a thin line between confidence and cockyness (sp?) and since Im sipping on the finest top shelf of whatever the current flavor is now, the line has been crossed and of course Im digging deep into the pockets and coming up with nothing but lint. To be a truly effective party-goer on the chitlin circut one must act the part! ....more to come.....