Monday, 2 July 2007

Big Pimpin

Why is it that my boss always comes around when im on the phone with misc non-work he's trying to play it off like he's not trying to play it off like im not in the climax of a story and obviously this goes on worldwide because whoever im talking to immedialey notices the change in tone/pitch/and or general excitement in my voice..I go form Kunta Kinte to Toby in a nanosec....I need to be my own boss so I can come out of my cave and hover around the lower etchelon of society and crack corny jokes and have all my underlings laughing histerically. I always said I would be the coolest boss but then again I always said I would be the coolest dad , but im sure the little one would beg to differ......2 more hours pickin corporate cotton and staying out of massa's way then im going home to eat some chittlings (baked chicken) and some hamhocks(brown rice) and water( cold beer) Peace to all my field NEGRO's especially the ones with childhood nicknames.....

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