Cellar Dwellers
The Audi is 5000 G. I loved that car but 4 stack's to get her fixed was a bit much. I convinced myself that cathing public transportation to work would do me good, It would humble me and I could really be with the people. On Monday morning I got up extra early to prepare for my journey. I walked to Park Heights Ave to wait for the 54 bus which takes me to the Mondawmin metro station. As I waited for the bus I realized what the Audi really meant to me, People were driving by looking at us poor souls waiting and when eye contact was made they looked away as if they felt bad. I wonder if I ever did that in that? Finally the bus was in sight and we all started to line up. As the bus got closer all I could think about was how warm it was going to be, well apparently when the bus is overcrowded, the driver can keep right on rolling. I was hurt, dejected and most of all cold. The other people just took it in stride without so much as a sigh, pulled half smoked cigs out of coat pockets and drifted off into standing at the bus-stop oblivion. Thirty minutes later the next 54 rolls up and this time im praying to the bus gods to please have room for us and luckily my prayers were answered. I found myself migrating to the back of the bus without a thought of Rosa Parks or bus boycotts, just an empty seat next to Ned the Wino. All I want to do is get to my destination but that stupid bell keeps ringing and the bus has to stop on every block to let people on and off. I tell myself to remain humble as a Grey Audi A4 Quattro zooms by like it was glidding on ice and hover-crafts into the fast lane and shifts into warp speed and dissappears out of sight with such style and grace. I wonder to myself if I used to look like that?
It happens to all of us. But I tell you life feeds us a bowl full of unpredictability and we can either show ourselves inept or competent. At the end of the day we all have various responsibilities and how we choose to maintain and execute those is on us. We can either lie down and concede or we keep it moving. I choose the latter.
Yarrow - Your to deep for me.....I neeeeed a friggin whip!
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