Sunday, 30 December 2007

Rakim was SICK!!!

NO, for real, the 18th letter had the flu but still graced us Baltimorons with his presence. The opening acts had way more enery and kept the crowd hype.( It was OGUN and this dude naamed Salim, This was another one of those shows were only the real hip hop heads were out. Remember earlier when he didnt show up with Ghost. He apologized and promised us we were in for a treat. When you really think about it how much energy could a mellow smooth brother thats laid back such as the "R" bring?

It was a great trip down memory lane. I usually never sing along with MC's but this was Rakim Allah. He started off the hit, "I came in the door...." the crowd finished the rest of the song. What more could an MC want. At one point he sat down and asked us what song we wanted to hear. The crowd answered with at least 10 different songs from Mahoganoy to Eric B for President to Juice to Let the Rhythm Hit'em.

Rakim has some new material and thats when I remembered how much I cant stand the Sonars sound system (Shut up JO) and to be totally honest, I wasnt interested in hearing any new material from arguably one of the greatest to ever do it. You need a nice quiet corner of the world to really appreciate Rakim lyrics for the first time. OK ima get those links up for the other MC's tonight.

1 comment:

HeyShae! said...

So you finally got to see The R hunh? Bout time. LOL