Wednesday, 21 November 2007

Thats my man to the end

This here is my man fiddy. We grew up together since before this picture. We have always been close, but as time went on we choose seperate paths, mine was the school route and his was the street one. We always keep in contact but our values and beliefs somewhere along the way changed. I remember one time in 7th grade, he skipped school with the "bad crowd", they waited for the bell to ring and then jetted across the street into the woods. I was supposed to go but of course I was a straight up shook one.(plus Mark Turner was there!) All through high school my man was definatley on some other level. Our friends became different but for some reason he and I still remained tight. The first time he got arrested, it was in the paper, he was caught in a stolen car. The second time was for drugs. My mother always would say your judged by the company you keep, but being true to my cancerian ways Im very loyal to my friends. Of course now he wasnt allowed over to my house anymore and we werent supposed to hang-out. When it was time for me to go away to college, he already had his own place and a new Maxima ( the old skool square one) I used to hangout at his place the summer before I left. I didnt want to go away to school but you guys already know Ma-dukes wasnt having it. Enough babbling, not even sure where im going with this one. I wonder what one set of events or occurences happened in either one of our lives to make us turn out so differently. My man has been in jail for a couple years now and we still stay in contact. It could has so easily been him in my shoes and me in his.


ARBlkQMahdi said...

Friendship is essential to the soul. I'm reminded of Gibraham who teaches us that when we depart from a friend we should grieve not for that which we love most in them is clearer from the plain as the mountain is to the climber. It is good I think these days to still have childhood friends. Count this as joy!


William - Thanks for the words Ive known him for 30 years

Mz.Bria2U said...

u know i think all of us have a friend who goes left when we went right. It's cool. For those friends we must pray for them, not judge them...reaffirm our love for them. A friend of mine's was locked up (female) and I love her to death known her since elementary...but it's not wise for us to's too dangerous she lives a fast life. but i love her to death anywayz.

cool blog...adding u to my blogroll