Thursday, 23 October 2008


So I had a oppurtunity to go the Ledgends Of Hip-Hop show at the Hippodrome a few weeks ago and I was pumped, The line up included KRS-One and Slick Rick which by the way is enough for me! As the date got closer I kept hearing about more MC's getting adding like Sweet-Tee, Kool M Dee, Whodini, The Trecherous Three, MC Lyte and more. I searched high and low for the exact line up just to prove my point even more but no luck. The whole week leading up to the show I was getting more amped, I was trying to get my people to go but my cheapskate friends were crying about the price. ( Not you Aub) Yeah I know we are in a recession and gas is high and blah-blah-blah but this is a show most of you so-called hip-hop heads should be selling your souls to see, I mean these are the pioneers right? These were the first to ever do it right? Since your so down and know ever word to La-di-da-dee and The Bridge Is Over, hell,these are some of the guys who influenced those guys. I had an old hisotry professor who said , if you dont know the history of your author, you dont know what you have read. He also said all social problems are economic and all economic problems are political and all political problems are presupposed by the military means, but thats clearly another blog. Getting back to my original issue, the show was cancelled because the promoter sold less than 300 tickets! Baltimore. Really? Baltimore MC's get the top award for crying about how come they dont get any recognition outside of Baltimore. HELLO! We only had a chance to hear some real hip-hop and also pay our respects but it seems like only 300 of us even care about the old school. So now we have to ask ourselves are we really hip-hop. I was even excited to go to the Red and Meth show at the Sonar on a Sunday night with Keith Murray opening....cancelled. My grandmother use to always say baby, dont look a gift horse in the mouth. Its seems as though we had two horses with gifts and not only did we look them in the mouth, we kicked them in the ass. Baltimore...Really?

Monday, 6 October 2008

OK - After a long week of BS, this was a great weekend, Aub, A.P. and Abdul came to the city this weekend. We went to the Fells Point Festival and had a ball. We pre-gamed at Rob's house then it was on. The weather was nice and the brew was flowing. Good times were had by all. This got me to thinking why can't people be happy or strive to be happy all the time, I mean If all I do and all you do is try to be happy then why cant it work, I feel like if people put half as much energy into being positive and looking toward the light then life would be much better. OK maybe im tripping but its still wishfull thinking. Peace to my man Abdul for being the voice of reason this weekend and leaving us with great what could have been stories.

Thursday, 25 September 2008

I can see clearly now.

WOW – First of all I would like to apologize to all 718 people who have been reading my rants and raves. I didn’t realize. I love to write or vent about the things that really piss me off or “get my goat”, “Grind my gears” or whatever. Only a few responded directly to the post so I figured it was only a few like minded souls. Lately I’ve really turned into this guy who has been trying to keep it real with himself and let me tell you, its way harder than I thought, So know that I am holding myself to a higher standard , I can only demand that from the people in my life right? So here we go, I expect to lose a few of you as friends but hopefully you guys will accept me for the person im morphing into. I don’t have time for the BS. I have too many other things to worry about than your BS, please shoot straight with me. Ill give people a few chances because I was probably the king of all BS’ers and we somehow made it through right? Maybe it’s me turning into a grumpy old man? It’s almost like I can see right through people and before where I didn’t give an EFF, now im looking at it like disrespect, like why would you even form your lips to say that like im stupid. One of my biggest problems is always trying to please everybody make sure the people are happy even if it puts me in a bind but I don’t always get that back in return. Im still gonna take the path of least resistance but how we deal with each other is gonna be different.

Tuesday, 5 August 2008


This blog is dedicated to all the people in my life that live by excuses and can never take responsibility for ISH!! I would cut off my left arm if you would just say....hey man, I messed up!! My Bad.

The only man who is really free is the one who can turn down an invitation to dinner without giving an excuse. ~Jules Renard

Excuses are the nails used to build a house of failure. ~Don Wilder and Bill Rechin

Don't make excuses - make good. ~Elbert Hubbard

He who excuses himself accuses himself. ~Gabriel Meurier, Trésor des sentences

Several excuses are always less convincing than one. ~Aldous Huxley, Point Counter Point

How strange to use "You only live once" as an excuse to throw it away. ~Bill Copeland

Don't do what you'll have to find an excuse for. ~Proverb

No one ever excused his way to success. ~Dave Del Dotto

Excuses are the tools with which persons with no purpose in view build for themselves great monuments of nothing. ~Steven Grayhm

And oftentimes excusing of a fault
Doth make the fault the worse by the excuse.
~William Shakespeare

Bad excuses are worse than none. ~Thomas Fuller

A lie is an excuse guarded. ~Jonathan Swift

Hold yourself responsible for a higher standard than anyone else expects of you. Never excuse yourself. ~Henry Ward Beecher

If you don't want to do something, one excuse is as good as another. ~Yiddish Proverb

Whoever wants to be a judge of human nature should study people's excuses. ~Hebbel

We have more ability than will power, and it is often an excuse to ourselves that we imagine that things are impossible. ~François de la Rochefoucauld

Two wrongs don't make a right, but they make a good excuse. ~Thomas Szasz, The Second Sin

Difficulty is the excuse history never accepts. ~Edward R. Murrow

Pessimism is an excuse for not trying and a guarantee to a personal failure. ~Bill Clinton

Destiny: A tyrant's authority for crime and a fool's excuse for failure. ~Ambrose Bierce

Every vice has its excuse ready. ~Publilius Syrus

We are all manufacturers - some make good, others make trouble, and still others make excuses. ~Author Unknown

One of the most important tasks of a manager is to eliminate his people's excuses for failure. ~Robert Townsend

Bad men excuse their faults; good men abandon them. ~Author Unknown

He that is good for making excuses is seldom good for anything else. ~Benjamin Franklin

It is wise to direct your anger towards problems - not people, to focus your energies on answers - not excuses. ~William Arthur Ward

Any excuse will serve a tyrant. ~Aesop

We have forty million reasons for failure, but not a single excuse. ~Rudyard Kipling

The person who really wants to do something finds a way; the other person finds an excuse. ~Author Unknown

Justifying a fault doubles it. ~French Proverb

The best day of your life is the one on which you decide your life is your own. No apologies or excuses. No one to lean on, rely on, or blame. The gift is yours - it is an amazing journey - and you alone are responsible for the quality of it. This is the day your life really begins. ~Bob Moawad

The absent are never without fault, nor the present without excuse. ~Benjamin Franklin

Usually, terrible things that are done with the excuse that progress requires them are not really progress at all, but just terrible things. ~Russell Baker

Sometimes I wish I had a terrible childhood, so that at least I'd have an excuse. ~Jimmy Fallon

Never ruin an apology with an excuse. ~Kimberly Johnson


One of the hardest things Ive had to do (besides stats)is keeping it real. When I say that, people look at me like.. you fake ass, but when you really stop and think about it, maybe you will get my point. If you go to work everyday and smile in your boss' face when you know you cant stand that MOFO are you keeping it real, Nope, your keeping it fake in order to keep your job, but I guess when thats the case its acceptable. When the wifey puts you on blast in front of company but you chill and keep you cool and dont say anything, is that a case of keeping it real...Nope, another case of keeping it fake to keep your relationship in tact. When your in the studio and one member of the crews lyrics suck and you tell him they suck, then that my friends is keeping it real.

Monday, 21 July 2008

I Thought I had it all Figured out

You have to clean out your closet once a week. You need to re-evaluate your priorties once a month..or as needed. Everybody on this earth isnt as smart as you. People arent assholes on purpose. Peolpe who hate all the time are miserable. People who dont listen are losers. Beer is good. Obama is the BOMB! White people have it better. Poor white trash have it worse. A good sweat is cleansing. Grand Theft Auto is fun. WII bowling is more fun. Please speak correctly around the kids. Everybody isnt gonna think your cool. Some people are gonna hate your guts. Try to maintain a good average between the two. Stop trying to impress people unless you have a boat. Youtube the Dave Chapelle episode "playahaters awards". Goodevening!

Im on so other ish

This weekend was spent on the water. I have a friend who has a boat and has been telling me to come and check him. I finally did it and am officially hooked on boating. We chilaxed all weekend , those boaters have a whole sub-culture going on that us landwellers have no clue about. You think your doing it pulling up to the club in your Audi A4, but you have no idea until you pull up to McCormick and Schmidtts at the Inner Harbor on a boat! I think the key is to not own the boat just have a friend who has one because, it seemed like alot of work when the weekend was over and I just wanted to hope in the A4 and speed back to Harm-City.

So todays lesson is that life is short and you should live it to the fullest. Enjoy shit and dont let things get you down. The theme this weekend was "Life is good" as you downed an ice cold brewski on the back of a boat.

P.S. The world does rotate, Just not around you!

Tuesday, 1 July 2008

Jail guards investigated in inmate death

As soon as I read this story I smelled a rat. Not a racist rat just a rat. You mean to tell me this guy ran over the police, then the police who are in charge of policing took him to a place where the police are in charge of other police and looked him a jail cell by himself and he ended up dead. Then you bring in the FBI (police) to investigate the other police who were supposed to be guarding this guy at the police station. Im not justifying anything but this is unfair. Yes man, it is unfair that he killed another person but thats supposedly why we have police so we dont have complete chaos right. I guess its a thin line but one you cant cross. The writing is on the wall and anyone with a nose can smell this one a mile away. As my grandpop used to say, it stinks to high heaven!

Monday, 30 June 2008

writers bloc

OK so I know its been a long time but when you have several different sets of friends you tend to get lost, I had to give my blogging friends a break because to be honest, sometimes I dont want to think alot about things. I was in Brazil and it was everything I ever imagined it to be. We partied until the sun came up, Stumbled home and crashed, woke up whenever, went to the beach, got something to eat and did it all over again for 10 straight days, I was gonna come home and immediatly blog about my experience but that might incriminate me so I dumbed it down to the picture you see before you. All that to say my writers bloc is kinda over and my creative juices are starting to flow sorta. Their have been a few things going on in the world that demamd and deserve my immediate attention. Peace to Tam, Ginneh, Joy, Amina, Kosa, Sala and Dr. Fords daughter.

Thursday, 5 June 2008

Coco Tea - Barak Obama

OK - Even though I voted for Barak in the primaries I still had my doubts, I always figured the evils forces at work would have several devices in back pockets to prevent such a thing. That chick still didnt 100% concede yet, she is "suspending" her campaign? WTF?

Saturday, 24 May 2008


It was a blazin hot summer day between 6th and 7th grade around 230 in the afternoon. We were at the playground when Mark Turner came over with a tape recorder. he played this joint right here and my life was changed forever. I was already in love with hip hop but this song sealed the deal. It was Howard (RIP), Tony, Darren and Vada. I remember it like it was now. I asked Mark if I could hold the tape but of course he said no. This was back when it wasn't so cool to be darkskinned but we will save that for another time.

I know I will always take KRS over Nelly or Run-DMC over Lil Wayne, The Fat Boys over T.I. or The Beastie Boys over Chingy. Maybe I sound like my dad when he hears an oldie on the radio and always says, " Now that was when music was music, that stuff you listen to now blah blah blah..." Well dad, sorry for always drowning you out, now I wish I would have listened to the blah blah blah part, probably some good stuff.

Slick Rick is officially a free man, compliments of NY Governor David Patterson.

Tuesday, 6 May 2008

Nothing astonishes men more than plan dealing and common sence!!

In my absence I came up with a set of rules to live by.......

The measurement of my finger from the tip to the first joint is 1 inch...depth for planting peas.
The measurement to the second joint is 2 inches...depth for corn.
Return borrowed things in better shape than when you borrowed them.
There are two types of is the trouble you knowingly walk into, the other is trouble that just's important to know the difference.
Walk softly but carry a big stick.
if you have to use said stick, make sure who you use it on, doesn't get up.
Grits is good.
Foul language is a sign of a limited vocabulary
Orion, the Big and Little Dippers.
Everyone is a friend until proven otherwise.
Licorice ferns, huckleberries, nettles, sword ferns.
Tabasco won't kill you even if you eat it by the spoonfull.
Don't watch the clock when you're at work.
Fish can see you if you look over the side of the boat.
Fish can hear you if you talk to loud.
Respect the elders.
Never go to bed angry.
That which does not kill you will hurt like the dickens, but it will make you stronger.
Family is the most important thing on earth.
How to play the guitar, spoons, mouth harp, and water filled bottles.
The true meaning of "Self Made Man"
If you don't know something, go to the library and learn it.
The phrases "I don't know", "I forgot", or "I tried (and failed)" are excuses.
There is a difference between an excuse and a reason, know the difference.
Take care of your apperance...even if it is just a t-shirt and jeans.
The world can change everything about you, except your point of view...unless you allow it to.

Wednesday, 26 March 2008

Your actions effect others..... IDIOTS

Zack Sowers ARTICLE

This is a sad state of affairs. I am guilty of not really caring unless the tragedy hits close to home and believe me in the past couple of years, Tragedy has had a room at my house. This is no different because I’ve been that dude walking home slightly tipsy from Fells or Canton all by my lonesome through Patterson Park. I don’t feel bad for Zack because he’s not here anymore, I feel terrible for all the people he left behind. I feel so bad for his wife and family and friends, then I start to think what if something like that happened to me, how my mother would take it, man I don’t even want to think about it. What influence would that have on my son? What about all my friends, my sisters? I know for a fact that most people aren’t nearly as sensitive as I am but my heart feels so bad for them. I didn’t cry when Dukie fell off but I was very upset.(shut up Ginneh, Nikki and Dany) I know these dudes were black or Spanish or whatever and by know I usually have my guns loaded and I’m ready to hit the Jesse/Rev Al warpath but this time I don’t even have the energy. Regardless of what color anybody was I feel terrible for the people left behind. Maybe if you’re reading this and you’re feeling like doing whatever, please think about the effect your actions will have on others.

Tuesday, 25 March 2008

Tuskegee Is The Pride Of The Swift Growing South

I know I know its been a minute. I just got put on to this Web-site for my School. its more like a myspace but only for Tuskegee University. My home-girl Tammy put me on and its like being back at school all over again. You dont realize how much your college friends really mean to you. Its been about 12 years since I finished and most of my friends on this page are all grown up and married/divorced with kids and jobs and responsibilities and its crazy. I remember when getting the lemons for tequila Friday was the order of the day. Its great to see all my friends doing well and enjoying life it seems. I havent been to homecoming since I left but 08 seems like it might be the year!

Tuesday, 4 March 2008

I thought I figured it out

You have to clean out your closet once a week. You need to re-evaluate your priorties once a month..or as needed. Everybody on this earth isnt as smart as you. People arent assholes on purpose. Peolpe who hate all the time are miserable. People who dont listen are losers. Beer is good. Obama is the BOMB! White people have it better. Poor white trash have it worse. A good sweat is cleansing. Grand Theft Auto is fun. WII bowling is more fun. Please speak correctly around the kids. Everybody isnt gonna think your cool. Some people are gonna hate your guts. Try to maintain a good average between the two. Stop trying to impress people unless you have a boat. Youtube the Dave Chapelle episode "playahaters awards". Goodevening!

Wednesday, 27 February 2008

She Like me, she tolerate me, she hate me?

So I was chatting it up with the crew the other day, you know kicking the Willie bobo's, after we decided that if Majic Johnson had to play Air Jordan right now that Majic would win that game and a supersonic hydo-boosted skateboard with nitros would beat a pair of rollerskates equipped with jets for each skate plus a big fan strapped to your back , we got on the subject of females. If you like a chick more than she likes you then its curtains and vice versa. For us dudes when you like that chick you will do it all, thats what I call the loveydovey stage. Everybody is perfect in that stage, corny jokes are funny as hell, when you have to wait like 6 hours for her to be ready it wasnt no big deal, when she ordered some shit that cost twice what you ordered it wasnt a thang. As soon as that stage is over is when you can tell if its gonna work. Jokes arent as funny, your patience ass aint so paitience, your pockets just got alittle tighter. If youll can make it through that stage then its on and poppin. We also decided that if your girl comes home late at night and her socks are pulled all the way up she was cheating, this means she just pulled then up when she was getting dressed like 15 minutes ago.

P.S. The Incredible Hulk is faster then the Bionic Man but they have to race on a smooth surface because the Hulk dosent have shoes!

EPMD was better than TRIBE

We would rather have a ugly girl than a pretty monster

Sunday, 10 February 2008

Wal Mart is crack

I think I hate everything Wal-Mart stands for or maybe im just venting. When your opening statement to me is "I dont work in this department plus Im on break." then I peep your name tag and it says ALEXUS and then I ask you if you could maybe possibly find it in your kind heart to please, no wait, pretty please with fresh new pair of doorknocker earrings with a matching gold tooth to match, point me in the right direction before you finish texting because I know you hate your job and you hate dealing with people but for some unknown reason you took a job as a customer service rep at a place where people might probably need some help and god forbid they ask you because right under ALEXUS it does say ASK ME FOR HELP I mean what the hell was I thinking?

Tuesday, 15 January 2008

My Pet Peeve Blog is bigger than you thought

These are a few things that just irk me to death, Im probable guitly of some of these but hell, theycallmescootermonk and Im sure thats a pet peeve to some. This list will def grow so feel free to add some, I might have open a ugly can of worms..

1. People who laugh loud at non-funny things
2. Any spoken word artists
3. People don't know the difference between 'Yield' and 'Merge'!!
4. People who drive slow in the fast lane
5. Bokeem Woodbine
5.1 Any dude who is on that show I love New York except the midget.
6. Animal cruelty, people that don't use their turn signals, tailgaters, and people that drive suv's that think that their God's gift to other driver's
7.People who blow their horn at you the nano-second the light changes to green.
8.Having to explain the same thing more than once.
9.Rude and mean people.
9.1 Forrest Whittaker
10.Materialistic and shallow people
11.People who flaunt their wealth and status
12.1 David Allen Grier after Living Color.
12.People who thinks Liberal Arts is a major.
12.1 Shouting "drop it" the moment a conversation veers into an unwanted direction
13.Girls who say they're a virgin but you know they are not.
14.Ignorant and racist people.
15.Black republicans
14.1People who hate on Beyonce
15.people who complain about the awful things our government does, but they don't question authority.
15.1 Black people who call other Black people boughie but when you ask then to describe boughie but they cant. Then they go to 12.1 or 16 alls that don't know anything and are irrational in their reasoning to begin with.
17.people talking at the movies--especially when they have to repeat everything we just heard.
17.1 Gary Coleman now
18. hate it when I make stupid mistakes.
19. People who answer their cell phone and keep saying hello hello hello when its obvious no one there.
20. One-uppers on everything you say.
21. People who work customer services jobs they hate and have an atitude with you.
22. The way Wilford Brimley says the word diabetes.
23. Bob Johnson Post BET
24. This guy at my job who talks loud but says nothing
25. Im sure I said this one already but excuse makers kill me!!!
26. People who lack common sence

Wednesday, 9 January 2008

Our cause speeds on its way

Happy Founders Day! G.O.M.A.B.


Sunday, 6 January 2008

Respect Your Elders

Remember when all your mother had to do was look at you? Remember when you went to the mall on a half-day and Derrick McCains mom called everybodies parents and told? I used to be mortified of adults in my neighborhood especially when I was up to no good. My mom worked two jobs so I should have been good right? Hell no, those nosey snooping other parents were so quick to bust my bubble. I used to hate them but now all I can say is good-looking.

I specifically remember the one time I talked back to my mother and trust, It didnt end up good for me, I also remember like it was yesterday the one time I sucked my teeth and rolled my eyes. The purpose of this blog was because I was at my sons school the other day and the parent was cussing out the teacher in front of the student, im sure because Lil Mike-Mike was an asshole in class. You could look at his mother and tell exactley why he was what he was. When does respect start. I was always taught to repect old folks no matter what. I was taught that when grown folks are speaking you shut up and be still. Children are to be seen and not heard and all that. We need to get back to those days ASAP!